Mixed Media Mondays 5-30-16

Good morning! With this page I decided to play with my gelatos which have not been getting much love lately. Usually when I create I add layer upon layer. Today I decided that I just wanted something simple and bright. It turned out perfect if you ask me. 🙂  I listed the supplies in the…

Sleepless Nights #1

I am having trouble falling asleep, so I went to my craft room and started messing around.  I flipped through some of my journals and picked one that wasn’t finished and proceeded to prep it to be a background to use later.  Here is the page I started with.   *I regret while in the…

Tangled Fairy (Part 1)

Hello everyone!  I am a little late with my Tangled Thursday, for that I apologize.  I didn’t realized how time consuming my first attempt at this would be!!  Also, I will admit, that this week has been stressful mentally and kinda put a jinx on my janx. With that being said, we all know about…

Tag You’re It Tuesdays 5-24-2016

Hello everyone!! I am so in love with these tags!! They will be amazing in the project Lisa and I are working on. It was kind of funny to me because as I was creating them I heard her in my head freaking out. This is where our different styles really come through. She would…

Mixed Media Leftovers

I am a craft paper hoarder.  A paper, cut out scraps, oh look this would be cool for texture hoarder.  There, I have taken the first step to admitting I may have a problem and I feel relief! 🙂 I have a tote dedicated to my leftover papers, mop ups and other mixed media leftovers. …

Tangled in Lines

Hello everyone!  I have had one of those days that started out great and went downhill from there.  First, I had to take my car in to get worked on, which worked out, because my bff “twisted my arm” to go to Joann’s and Hobby Lobby.  I scored big, in my opinion, on some stencils,…

Gelli Play Wednesdays 5-18-2016

Good Morning! First of all, I want to say, I love how this page turned out. Now, having said that, this page is lucky to exist! I knew that I wanted to show how to use some of your gelli prints that have already been made. I dug out some of my favorites and began…

Tag You’re It 2!

Hello everyone!  I am in complete love with the tag I made today. The colors of the gelli printed background and the multiple layered look are my favorite parts! Materials: Liquitex: Gesso, Modeling Paste, Basic acrylics Light Blue and Brillant Yellow Green Stamps: Stampabilities Faded Text Background, Stampin Up Butterfly, Dylusions Dyan Reaverly “The Right…

Mixed Media Mondays 5-16-16

I am absolutely in love with this journal page!! The process was so freeing. I was able to let go and just create. I needed that after this week! Supplies Used: Dina Wakley Acrylics Balzer Bits (Crafters Workshop) Umbrella Crafts Ink Dylusions spray- Black Marble Below is the link to the video. If you like…

Tangled in a Circle

I decided to work on my video Wednesday late morning and quite frankly not the best idea.  I had “A” constantly asking me questions, yelling for me to come kill a spider or asking me to feed her!  I mean she eats all the time and is still thin as a toothpick, I seriously wish…

Gelli Play Wednesdays 5-11-2016

Good morning!! I am so very excited about todays post! I love Gelli printing but all too often I make the prints and they just sit there. I saw a post on Pinterest and just had to try it.  I used the Avery sticker labels (2″ round) as my paper for the gelli prints. Now…

Tag You’re It Tuesday 5-10-2016

Hello! I have to say I had a blast doing this tag!! I do quite a few tags but very rarely do they have the 3D details that this one does. It turned out amazing!!  I think one of my favorite things about it is the shimmer from the silks glazes on the texture of…