My Come Back Journal Page.

Hello everyone!  It has been a great summer and now that both of my kids are in school, kindergarten and high school junior, I have more free time…Free Time!!  I will admit the first couple of weeks, I was a hot mess and had no idea what to do with myself.  I found I would…

Mixed Media Monday 6/20/16

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  It was a nice relaxing one for us.  Next weekend is going to be busy, busy, busy and I am not sure when I will be able to create or if I will even have time.  Then again, it is summer time and I need to keep the…

Mixed Media Monday 6-13-16

Good morning everyone! Things have been so very crazy here at home. “V” is home for summer break and that means less time for crafting for mom. We just got a new swimming pool so most of our day is spent outside. With that being said, summer is going to be a bit dicey for…

Mixed Media Bookmarkers

I love to read and have been known to have several book going at the same time.  My problem is, I don’t like to dog ear a page and I don’t like buying bookmarkers for 2 plus bucks.  Today, I decided to make my own book markers and whatever extras I have, I will give…

Mixed Media Mondays 5-30-16

Good morning! With this page I decided to play with my gelatos which have not been getting much love lately. Usually when I create I add layer upon layer. Today I decided that I just wanted something simple and bright. It turned out perfect if you ask me. 🙂  I listed the supplies in the…

Mixed Media Leftovers

I am a craft paper hoarder.  A paper, cut out scraps, oh look this would be cool for texture hoarder.  There, I have taken the first step to admitting I may have a problem and I feel relief! 🙂 I have a tote dedicated to my leftover papers, mop ups and other mixed media leftovers. …

Mixed Media Mondays 5-16-16

I am absolutely in love with this journal page!! The process was so freeing. I was able to let go and just create. I needed that after this week! Supplies Used: Dina Wakley Acrylics Balzer Bits (Crafters Workshop) Umbrella Crafts Ink Dylusions spray- Black Marble Below is the link to the video. If you like…

New and exciting additions to our blog!!

Good morning! I just wanted to take a quick moment to let you all know that we have some new things we will be adding to the blog! We will have Mixed Media Mondays and Tag You’re It Tuesday! Mondays we will be exploring different art journaling projects as well as other mixed media ideas….