Mixed Media Monday 6/20/16

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  It was a nice relaxing one for us.  Next weekend is going to be busy, busy, busy and I am not sure when I will be able to create or if I will even have time.  Then again, it is summer time and I need to keep the…

Easy Zendoodle on Ink Spray Background

I have to say this week has been an emotional roller coaster for me!  “D” finished her Sophomore year today and continues her journey towards adulthood.  She decided to stay here this summer, instead of going to her dad’s, to work on getting her driver’s license and a job.  For me, that means I will…

Gelli Play Wednesday 6-15-16

Good morning! I was very excited to try out a new technique that I saw for this installment of Gelli Play Wednesday! I love the look of gelli prints that are full of layers. Sometimes I can get them to work and they are amazing. But for the most part I get a muddled mess…

Mixed Media Monday 6-13-16

Good morning everyone! Things have been so very crazy here at home. “V” is home for summer break and that means less time for crafting for mom. We just got a new swimming pool so most of our day is spent outside. With that being said, summer is going to be a bit dicey for…

Tangled Fairy Part 2

Hello everyone!  I hope you all are having a good week so far!  I am out of sorts with school almost being done, which means “D” will be on summer vacation.  It, also, means graduation for her friends and open houses to attend.  All of this makes me a nervous mama, in two years my…

Mixed Media Bookmarkers

I love to read and have been known to have several book going at the same time.  My problem is, I don’t like to dog ear a page and I don’t like buying bookmarkers for 2 plus bucks.  Today, I decided to make my own book markers and whatever extras I have, I will give…

Make Your Own Spray Inks!!

Good morning! I have gotten a lot of requests for my “recipe” for my spray inks. So I decided to make a tutorial and show you just how I did it. I love bright colors and most of the spray inks I have ever tried to make dried in a light pastel style. This doesn’t…

Gelli Play Wednesdays 6-1-16

Woo-hoo! I made it…on Wednesday! lol! This week I feel like I have been running years behind. Life has been so busy! It is the last 10 days of school for “V” and so there are a lot of things going on. And we are getting a pool (yay!!) so there is that craziness. Today…

Tag You’re It (5/31/16)

Hello everyone,  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend, I know I did!  Of course, it threw my week off hence me being a day late 🙂   I had a marvelous dinner, with my beautiful sister, celebrating her birthday as well as our late Mother’s birthday.  “D” and I got some Wii…