Gelli Play Wednesday 6-15-16

Good morning!

I was very excited to try out a new technique that I saw for this installment of Gelli Play Wednesday! I love the look of gelli prints that are full of layers. Sometimes I can get them to work and they are amazing. But for the most part I get a muddled mess if I try to add too much.

So, this new technique suggests that you let each layer dry between applications of each color. I am a very impatient person (like seriously I would use my heat gun if I knew it wouldn’t ruin my gelli plate! lol!), so I used Deco Art Fluid Acrylics. They dried pretty quick but I think I would have had more detail to each print if I had a thicker paint. I will be trying this next week. 🙂

I hope that you like the video. If you try this with a thicker paint show me the results!!

As always if you enjoy what we are doing like, share, comment, and scream it from the roof tops! See you next week!!

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