Just a little doodle…

Wow! Life seems to have really gotten away from me! It has been crazy around here and unfortunately my blogging time has suffered. I am hoping that I can begin to set time aside strictly for me and From Art To Hippos (I mean who am I kidding there is no life outside of what…

My Come Back Journal Page.

Hello everyone!  It has been a great summer and now that both of my kids are in school, kindergarten and high school junior, I have more free time…Free Time!!  I will admit the first couple of weeks, I was a hot mess and had no idea what to do with myself.  I found I would…

Finding Inspiration

Good morning everyone! I am in love with this art journal page! I was thumbing through (and creating my ultimate dream art supplies list) a Dick Blick art supplies catalog when I saw this little piece of art on one of the pages. I loved the colors and the textures. So I cut it out…

Better Together

Yesterday FromArtToHippos had an amazing moment! One of the tags I made got shared by The Crafters Workshop on Instagram!! I may have been geeking out a little bit and had to share the news with Lisa! That brought up a conversation we have had on multiple occasions. It is important to us that each…

Gelli Play Tools

Good morning everyone! It has been such a crazy summer for us here at From Art To Hippos! “V” has been keeping me very busy on her summer break and I am starting to get just as excited as she is for school to start again. This means more play time for me! Lisa and…

Mixed Media Monday 6/20/16

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  It was a nice relaxing one for us.  Next weekend is going to be busy, busy, busy and I am not sure when I will be able to create or if I will even have time.  Then again, it is summer time and I need to keep the…

Easy Zendoodle on Ink Spray Background

I have to say this week has been an emotional roller coaster for me!  “D” finished her Sophomore year today and continues her journey towards adulthood.  She decided to stay here this summer, instead of going to her dad’s, to work on getting her driver’s license and a job.  For me, that means I will…

Gelli Play Wednesday 6-15-16

Good morning! I was very excited to try out a new technique that I saw for this installment of Gelli Play Wednesday! I love the look of gelli prints that are full of layers. Sometimes I can get them to work and they are amazing. But for the most part I get a muddled mess…

Mixed Media Monday 6-13-16

Good morning everyone! Things have been so very crazy here at home. “V” is home for summer break and that means less time for crafting for mom. We just got a new swimming pool so most of our day is spent outside. With that being said, summer is going to be a bit dicey for…

Tangled Fairy Part 2

Hello everyone!  I hope you all are having a good week so far!  I am out of sorts with school almost being done, which means “D” will be on summer vacation.  It, also, means graduation for her friends and open houses to attend.  All of this makes me a nervous mama, in two years my…

Mixed Media Bookmarkers

I love to read and have been known to have several book going at the same time.  My problem is, I don’t like to dog ear a page and I don’t like buying bookmarkers for 2 plus bucks.  Today, I decided to make my own book markers and whatever extras I have, I will give…